Monday, September 15, 2008

Blogging Stuff

OK, I finally figured out how to get back in there and change the settings. I deleted us from the "listed" blogs, so it won't show up when random Italians go blog-browsing in Bologna, but I left it on the searchable list in case someone is actually looking for us. I think "Joyous" was Joy Olson because Betsy asked me for the address the other day so she could let Joy see the kids.

I also added notifications so when comments are posted, everyone will get a notice in your email and you can see when there's activity. It doesn't tell you when a new post is up, only when there are comments made on it. If you don't like that, tell me and I'll change it. I'll send everyone a private email with the how-to's and passwords so you can get on the master blog and change things if you want.

Love ya'll!


Kate said...

I check this blog often enough that I don't think I need a notice in my email when someone has left a comment. The way we go that'll be like 10 a day. Can it notify some people and not everyone?

The Giles Family said...

fixed. if anyone else doesn't want to be notified, just let me know. mwah!

Jeff Giles said...

I don't want to be notified when comments are made either.

Sally said...

Good call. I don't need the emails, but so far I didn't get them anyway. Maybe Mom already changed all of us on that?

The Giles Family said...

taken care of.