Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ahhh hahahaha!

For the K Family Reunion I'm in charge of gathering a picture of EVERYONE in the family that's served a mission, on their mission, for a world map/missionary display. Anyway, so I was looking for a picture of Don and Shirley in Paraguay and came across a bunch of pictures I haven't seen forever! And in the spirit of holidays, and to continue the flashback theme, I thought I'd share. I laughed at some so hard I cried.

Dana loves this one! I think it's funny that apparently I got someone short like Jeff to take the picture since I was looking so good. The clothes, the hair, the braces, the scrawniness. Feb 1991 I remember thinking that the suspenders were a stroke of pure genius! The 4th 1990. Sally, were we both in our awkward stages at the same time? A great April Fools picture -1992
Sally I just love that you held these up for me so I could take the picture. This one just makes me laugh so hard. Oh- and another "club" shirt. I think this one was mine too! Sept. 1989
JEFF! HAHAHAHA! No date but I think it was October 1989.
A very cute one :) Summer 1989
Morning of our 17th/19th birthdays. 1992
This one's for you Randa since you have such fond memories. "Safety Kids" perform at D-Land. June 1990


Sally said...

Oh man! I have so many comments that I can't even include them all here!
I can't believe people thought those kind of pants looked good!
That was for sure your shirt.
Wow! We got 6 cabbage-patch-style dolls on top of each other. What an amazing feat!
I love this picture of Mom and Dad. I don't think I've ever seen it. So cute!

Sally said...

Oh. Yes, I think our awkward stages were at the same time. Mine was from about 11-14. I think you were probably out of yours sooner. But this overall picture is at my peak ugly phase. :)

Kate said...

Mine was for sure 14-16. Exactly the time I had my braces on too!

Mom said...

I think you all looked darling! (Choke, choke....even I look like I've got a curly faux-hawk!)

Miranda said...

Those flower shorts were my MOST favorite ever. At least someone in the family was cute in the midst of all that awkward teen-dome.
Also--'All you gotta say is N-oh! All you gotta say is NO!' I still know the words.

Sally said...

Even I still know the words...
"I didn't choose them, they chose me. I bet they couldn't resist."