Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Favorite

Heaven help me I love these chips. It's getting where I don't want to even walk down that aisle they're on b/c I can't resist them! I have been known to eat the whole bag before. More than 1 time. (This picture is in fact an empty bag I just polished off) So I'm wondering how many meals that would count for. 1 or 2? I've probably gained 5 off these dang things. If you're good at calorie counting fill me in. Oh and I have grandpa to thank for the addiction b/c I first tried them at mom's. Help- that picture on the front is soon to be me!


Miranda said...

It took me a second to figure out that you meant the flying pig. I guess that is what happens when you eat something immposibly good. This is one more thing that I will know to avoid for the rest of my life. (Like double bacon cheeseburgers) If I never try them I'll never REALLY know what I'm missing.

Sally said...

Well, Kate, from an experienced calorie counter, this isn't so bad. Even if you eat the whole bag it's less than 800 calories. That's equivalent to what you should have for a hearty meal, like dinner. So, if you are actually replacing a meal with the bag of chips, it's not really balanced, but it's not going to make you gain a ton of weight.
Just for fun, I looked up a few food items with a similar number of calories: the Baconator burger at Wendy's has 830; a footlong subway sandwich is close; about 4 smallish bowls of cereal; or you could eat like 20 fresh peaches.
FYI--to figure out how many calories in the bag, you just multiply the number per serving (130) by the number of servings in the bag (6). Counting calories has the double benefit of keeping your math skills sharp!

Mom said...

I can't find the WW calculator right now, but judging by calorie count, etc. it would appear that the whole bag could be about 15-16 points.
I try to keep breakfast and lunch between 4-6 each, and dinner under 10. But that's figuing for dieting, not what regular people can eat!
What I find amazing is that Kate has no experience figuring out these kinds of details. She has led a sheltered life.

Kate said...

Yeah well I also have the curse of the angry (and not afraid to express it) people confronting me at undisclosed locations the rest of my life.

Kate said...

Thank you so much for all the info!

Amy said...

I love this blog that whole conversation had me LOL!

Kate said...

So when's the big reveal Sal?

Sally said...

I'm working on it, assuming you're talking about the blog. I feel a lot of pressure, like I'm supposed to be a great writer. But the longer I wait the worse it's gonna get, so I should just do it.
I'll let you know soon. Maybe tomorrow.

Kate said...

Hello! (with the sarcastic tone, not the friendly tone) of course your blog better be super awesome after you've taught college English and are on your way to your PHD! J/K Sal- take the pressure off yourself and know that probably all those reading your blog know the real you and love you w or w/o intellectual wittiness.