Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Easy Rider

I don't know how to post this to the "Memories of Dad" area so here goes...

I remember how whenever we went to Big Bear in spite of the fact that he'd been driving two hours. Without fail and without going into the house he would disappear with the blue Yamaha motorcycle. Then he'd be gone for as a much as two hours. Of course when he came back at least two of us kids would be waiting for him so we could go on a ride. The funnest thing for me was when he finally let me go it alone. I was about 12 and he let me red an old Honda. I fell and distinctly remember him saying something like don't tell your Mom about this.


Amy said...

Thanks Jeff I love reading everyones stories!

Sally said...

I think I was there. Or at least I did the exact same thing. I haven't tried to ride anything motorized on two wheels since. Yeah, must've been a different time bc I was 13. I ran straight into a curb. He probably couldn't wait till his boy was old enough!

The Giles Family said...

Thanks, guys, for thnking about Dad yesterday. I did, too, of course. Lots of sweet memories, lots of good years.

I liked Jeff's post, so copied it over on the Dad part.

To get in there you log into the blog as . The password is steveg0805 . Hope no one's on here but us!

Sally said...

Thanks, Mom, for remembering that and doing it. I was meaning to write something in there. I'll do it tomorrow.