Wednesday, August 10, 2011

More Pictures

I felt like I reached maximum picture capacity on my post but I had a bunch more I wanted to share with you guys. Last time I tried uploading to FB it was a nightmare (I know it's bc I didn't compress the pics but I don't want to take the time) so here you take the ones you like and add them to Fb yourself if you want.

I really love this one.



(running backwards)

I truly had the best week. I keep thinking about how much fun it was :) Thanks everyone!


Carrie said...

Thanks for posting pictures! I'm bummed we missed the first part of the week with Miranda. That last one of Eli and James is so sweet! He loved that little baby.

Sally said...

Really cute! I saw the first pic of me and was like, what the heck? Why am I still pregnant!? Darn you, Moby wrap! Wait... come back, I love you!

Kristy said...

Looking at all those pictures made my day! It looks like you had a great vacation. What an incredible family! I'm so glad we are related :)