Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In Case You Were Wondering What You Were Doing on a Random Day in June When Carrie was 6 Months Old

Emma's been a little curious about me as a person outside of motherhood lately (kind of an amazing thing:) and so she was pulling out my journals. I made a rule though that it has to be when we are the same age. So my first reeal journal is when I was 11 (see below) and I screen-read it for her and thought it was pretty funny-(ie the "bitchen" part, describing the "b" talk, and calling Sally stubborn) She has a hard time reading my cursive. You may too. And I like Jeffy's artwork :)

Interestingly, I was 4'9" and Emma is 4'9"! She may have some scrawny days ahead- hopefully not as much as I was.


Miranda said...

Since no one knew where I was, it's a pretty good guess that I was in the bathroom making faces in the big mirror, or singing 'Walk Like An Egyptian' in my front yard.

So fun!

Amy said...

that is FUNNY! I couldn't read it all but hopefully I wasn't being too rude in the journal. I need to have my kids be better about jounaling sinceI am so bad. You have always been great about that Kate.
P.S. good rule on the same age thing!

Kate said...

A comment from Miranda. I'll chalk that up as a victory for the day!

Also I saw "The Help" tonight and am trying to decide if I liked the movie or the book better. I highly recommend both.

Sally said...

By bas bubborn, basn't BI!? :)

I'm so glad your stereo had am AND fm! ha ha ha.

Kate said...

Bi bereo bocked!

Mom said...


Kate said...

haha-- good one :)