How about if I become the service project? I've been thinking about this for the last few days. There's nothing I really need for Christmas, so instead of spending money you don't have on things I don't need, I'd like to choose a charity project that everyone can donate to instead.
I'm in the process of exploring, but I think it will either be one of the groups that provides micro-loans for women in 3rd world countries or Heifer International, that provides animals for families to become self-sufficient. Another alternative would be to feed hungry kids here in the US. I'm still deciding, but that's what I want for my Christmas present.
If you still want to do a service project besides, you'll have to explore what's in the area. I'm thinkin' I want a goat this year.
Cute picture! I think this is a great idea, Mom. Also because I always feel like you already have everything you want--mostly because you're not that wanty. :)
Let me know what you decide on!
Great idea and I'm fine with anything you pick. We're doing a charitable donation for the Kleven family this year too.
Love it!
Sounds good. Should I just give you money for the goat? How much does a goat cost? I'd like to think that if we pooled our money we could buy at least one goat.
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