Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I hope each of you had a great Easter Sunday. We don't have any major changes from last year but nothing's wrong with a little grandkid cuteness right?
Maybe we can get baby Rodriguez out here next year :) We so need another boy in this picture. Or two.


Miranda said...

Love all my cuties. I miss you all. Get ready for some serious hugs and playtime when I come in a few weeks. I feel like I haven't seen them in FOREVER!

Sally said...

Wait, I thought that babies meant everyone started coming to me... :) Not with just one, huh?
Yes, we would love to add a little diversity to the front of the line up--gender and race. ha ha.

Kate said...

I'm not sure you have the room to host everyone for a line-up picture. Maybe we can take turns coming to visit separately :)