Sunday, May 16, 2010

Check out the Recipe blog

I posted a new recipe on the Giles Family Recipe blog. Take a click!

Just to put a picture on here for interest, this is the real me these days, "working." Reading, computer open for notetaking, even the phone open there. Don't I look like a good multi-tasker?

For a super interesting documentary about multitasking and our strange world of multimedia and internet fake life, watch Digital Nation from Frontline on


Jeff Giles said...

Watched Digital Nation while texting, making dinner, and chatting online with a few friends... JK I think they make some excellent points. I'm definitely easily distracted while I'm on the computer. I wonder how wide spread the problem is and what the final cost will be...

Sally said...

You watched it! Good, huh? Didn't you love that video-game addicted, Korean kid? "Thanks for the food."

Yeah, these are issues I think about all the time because I see such a difference between me and my 18-year-old students. They have no idea how to live without a cell phone and facebook. I think they are losing their ability to have serious conversations, or to spend a long time doing any one thing. Like that one professor said, some topics need deep, uninterrupted thinking. Hopefully the church kind of helps with this since we are supposed to devote time to just scripture reading, and sitting at church for 3 hours without texting (though people have a hard time even with that one).