Today we got to have Campbell over to play. And no big (or Bigger)kids were around to provide entertainment. It's pretty funny to watch 1 year olds (almost for Campbell) interact. This is the kind of situation I would have LOVED to be able to observe when I was at BYU.

It started out by Sadie giving Campbell item after item. Here's a tinkertoy-

and one of those...thingys
Please take this book. Note the body language of Campbell turning away.

Then I stepped in to help with the entertainment which was good for awhile.

Sadie got tired of that after not too long. "Where's your toes?"

Finally in the end happy with the parallel play (next to each other but not
with each other)
Sweet baby girls!
so cute, if i do say so myself! We have so many of those picures of Jane and Emma that is cute! Thanks for watching her too!
Ahhhh. Love it.
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